ISO 19109:2015 Geographic information - Rules for application schema

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Full name ISO 19109:2015, Geographic information -- Rules for application schema
Version Edition 2
Amendments None
Corrigenda None
Published by ISO/TC 211
Languages English
Online overview
Derived ontologies

Type of standard ISO International Standard
Application ISO 19109 defines the rules for creating and documenting application schemas, including principles for the definition of features.
Conformance classes Feature types in an application schema
Defining features
Creating application schemas in UML
Implementation benefits ISO 19109 describes a metamodel framework for the definition of features and application schemas. An application schema defines a formal description of the data structure and specifies the associated operators for manipulating and processing data by an application. Application schemas are important for data and application interoperability. ISO 19109 also defines the General Feature Model (GFM), which is a model of the concepts required to classify a view of the real world. The main concepts of GFM are: name, description, feature type, feature attribute, feature associated roles characterizing the feature type, and the defined behaviours of the feature type.
Products A popular product of ISO 19109 is GML (refer Table 10.16).

See also