Difference between revisions of "ISO 19108:2002 Geographic information - Temporal schema"

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(→‎See also: link to CSIRO OWL representation)
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* [[ISO 19109:2015 Geographic information - Rules for application schema]]
* [[ISO 19109:2015 Geographic information - Rules for application schema]]
* [[ISO 19137:2007 Geographic information - Core profile of the spatial schema]]
* [[ISO 19137:2007 Geographic information - Core profile of the spatial schema]]
* [http://def.seegrid.csiro.au/isotc211/iso19108/2002/temporal unofficial OWL representation]

Latest revision as of 11:49, 16 July 2018


Full name ISO 19108:2002, Geographic information - Temporal schema
Version Edition 1
Amendments None
Corrigenda Corrigenda 1
Published by ISO/TC 211
Languages English
Online overview https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:19108:ed-1:v1:en
Derived ontologies https://github.com/ISO-TC211/GOM/tree/master/isotc211_GOM_harmonizedOntology/19108/2006
Type of standard ISO International Standard

Meta level

Application ISO 19108 defines the concepts for describing temporal characteristics of geographic features.
Conformance classes Application schemas for data transfer
Application schemas for data with operations
Feature catalogues
Metadata element specifications
Metadata for datasets
Implementation benefits A conceptual schema for temporal characteristics of geographic features allows the development and use of geographic information in applications, such as predictive modelling. ISO 19108 provides the basis for defining the temporal feature attributes, feature operations, and feature associations, and for defining the temporal aspects of metadata about geographic information.
Products ISO 19108 is implemented in numerous applications, mainly for metadata purposes or for handling time-aware data. Libraries such as GeoTools, implement ISO 19108 to handle all temporal events.

See also