Standards for Web dissemination

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This group of standards builds on the reference model to support the dissemination of geographic information on the Web, e.g. through web services.

Standard web services for accessing geographic information

Services allow users (and applications) to access geographic information in a variety of formats ranging from a JPEG map image to a GeoJSON file containing the geometry and attribute data. The services provide a standard interface that can be deployed in geospatial applications and in spatial data infrastructures (SDIs). The standard interface allows the services to be interchangeable or to be chained chained into more complex services.

  • ISO 19142:2010 Geographic information - Web Feature Service, also published as OGC Web Feature Service (WFS), specifies the behaviour of a web feature service that provides transactions on and access to geographic features in a manner independent of the underlying data store. It specifies discovery operations, query operations, locking operations, transaction operations and operations to manage stored parameterized query expressions.
  • ISO 19143:2010 Geographic information - Filter encoding, also published as OGC Filter Encoding, describes an XML and KVP encoding of a system neutral syntax for expressing projections, selection and sorting clauses, collectively called a query expression. These components are modular and intended to be used together or individually by other standards.

Standard web services for cataloguing geographic information

Web standards for styling geographic information

These two standards are rarely implemented without one another. Styled layer descriptor (SLD) and symbol encoding (SE) are also mainly implemented with WMS, which supports specifying a style for rendering allowing the user more freedom in their design decisions when requesting a map.

See also